Carte Blanche

Carte Blanche is a project of intercultural exchange between France and Palestine carried out by two associations between July 2016 and March 2017:
Hors pistes for France
Human Supporters Association for Palestine

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12 Palestinians and 12 French people met around a common theme, freedom of expression, and an artistic practice, theatre. The exchange took place in two stages during two weeks in November, in Nablus (Palestine) and two weeks in March in Marseille (France).
This meeting led to the presentation of a theatrical account of the experience at the Théâtre de la Cité in Marseille on 21 March:

A Franco-Palestinian group visits Hebron, a West Bank city under Israeli occupation. After the joyful discovery of the commercial bazaar of the old town, they enter the H2 Zone. Stunned. Some of them cry, others have a heavy heart, all are stunned. A journey between freedom and oppression.

Storytelling and intercultural encounter Tuesday 21 March at 8.30pm, Théâtre La Cité 54 rue Edmond Rostand, 13006 Marseille

The public presentation will report on a particular episode of the exchange, and will be an opportunity to discover these young people, and through them a certain view of the world.
This project is presented within the framework of a European intercultural exchange project organised by the association “Hors Pistes”, and under the artistic direction of Abdelkarim Douima, actor and director.

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