
Morgane Neplaz explores the music world since more than 20 years, from traditional, contemporary, improvised to contemporary and experimental music. She studied music technique and theory at the Marseille Conservatory and then at the CFMI (a formation for music teachers) in Aix-en-Provence. She also discovered other practices through various courses, workshops, meetings, trips… She has trained her voice for 3 years in traditional music at the IIMM in Aubagne.

In addition to her participation in various musical formations, she participates in various projects: musical readings, performances, musical theater, soundtracks creation for art films, as a performer, improviser or composer, with harp, voice or Vietnamese monochord.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.
  • Absinthe Kiss – Frontière
  • Môzam’z – Viene de mi (cover La Yegros)
  • Experimental improvisation with Syrice Mathéron (guitar) – Vendredi 13
  • Solo improvisation for the company Nowhere Circus – Carnet de voyage

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