
Several collaborations have taken place in Marseille on musical reading projects led by Henriette Nhung Pertus, Josiane Maudet and Françoise Moissesson until March 2019.

I met Henriette Nhung Pertus during my work on the play “Souffle d’Outre-Ciel” written by Lionel Parrini. We meet from time to time around adaptations of traditional tales.

Our collaboration with Josiane Maudet and Françoise Moissesson began with work on the book “L’Homme Semence” by Violette Ailhaud and has given rise to other projects of musical readings in duo or trio.

Director and president of the “Trafic d’Arts II” Company, Henriette Nhung Pertus has devoted herself for more than 25 years to developing a taste for and interest in culture in the neighbourhoods of Aix-en-Provence and Marseille. Her career has been entirely devoted to helping children discover the beauty of the French language and the virtues of writing and reading “which help them rebuild their lives”.

Josiane Maudet, after a long diversions through the French education system where she taught literature in secondary schools, now runs writing workshops between Marseille and Toulon. More information on her workshops:

After Femme d’argile, a collection of poems published in 2014, Presses littéraires published her collection of short stories, “Pendant que les enfants jouent” (“While children play”), in March this year.

Françoise Moissesson is a literature teacher, possessed by a love of words and a fierce desire to share them, and has developed choral recitation in her classes. In 2010, she worked on reading aloud with Alain Simon, author, actor, director and teacher at the Théâtre Des Ateliers in Aix-en-Provence. For the past three years, at the request of Paule Constant, who chairs the festival, she has been a reader at the Festival des Ecrivains du Sud. She also participates in the Flâneries Littéraires of the same city.

  • “L’Homme Semence” (4mn),

extract from the musical reading given at La Maréchale (Aix en Provence) in April 2018

Readings: Françoise Moissesson

Music: Morgane Neplaz

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  • “Femme d’Argile” (23mn),
    musical reading on the occasion of the publication of Josiane Maudet’s book of poems (2016).
    Readings: Josiane Maudet, Françoise Moissesson
    Music: Morgane Neplaz

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