
This project started in July 2015 and ended in August 2017

“This is the story of a friendship in the making, of voices woven together, of traditional melodies revisited, of world songs with a Marseilles accent.

This duo follows fifteen years of complicity between the two musicians. Their repertoire, essentially composed of arranged covers, was formed on the spur of the moment, on a whim and for the pleasure of mixing their voices, their influences and their individual apprehensions of music.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfMVQmYY1ng”]

Elsa Montbel has always been immersed in a musical family environment, so it was only natural that she turned to singing from a very young age.
A varied musical culture, multiple influences picked up during her many travels and a thorough technique at the Cité de la Musique in Marseille have given this young singer a rich musical background.
After various participations in contemporary and traditional music groups, playing the piano, the voice or the harmonium, Elsa has affirmed her particular taste for dancing and traditional repertoire. An originality which colours her compositions and which she now nourishes in several formations.

Môzam’z – Ederlezi

Môzam’z – Viene de mi

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